From the editor
Harvey Byron Jansen was as much a star in the engineering world as members of the Brazilian World Cup team are in soccer. He, too, came to be known by his first name. If you said “Harv” to many of those knowledgeable about servos, actuators, valves, and combustion systems in aerospace and land-based gas-turbine applications, they knew immediately you were referring to the smart, effervescent guy in the lab coat with a resemblance to Dr Emmett Brown of Back to the Future fame. more
CCJ’S 2014 ‘Best of the Best’ Plants

Effingham County Power
Control logic protects against unit trips when exhaust T/Cs fail in service
Using designated equipment to transfer oil
Preventive damage measures for water-wicking cables
Observations program strengthens safety culture more
Newington Energy LLC
Nitrogen mitigates HRSG corrosion, inerts gas lines during maintenance
Mod to auxiliary cooling system reduces station back-feed
16-kV switchgear IR scanning windows
CEMS shelter oxygen analyzer keeps operators safe more
Tenaska Virginia Generating Station
Building a 21st-century workforce begins with education
Exterior plant lighting inspection, improvements
Contractor safety key component to OSHA VPP Star status more
Cosumnes Power Plant, SPA CoGen III, and McClellan GT
Controlling O&M deficiencies key to higher reliability, profitability
Adding cost-effective and noninvasive fire protection
Self-generating nitrogen system improves safety, saves money more
Gila River Power Station
Rethinking water cycle yields big saving at Gila River more

CTOTF™: Addressing user concerns from the GT air inlet out to the transmission line
Industry Issues: prognostics
High-Energy Piping concerns
Cold-weather operational impacts
GE F-class engines
GE E- and Legacy-class GTs
P&W Roundtable 7F compressor inspections more
7EA Users Group: Only 50 bucks
Hot topics @ upcoming meeting
2013 conference highlights
Clashing panel
Rotor-life panel
Performance enhancement Avoid trips on liquid fuel Air filters
Controls panel more
CCUG: Focusing on systems, equipment beyond the gas turbine and steamer
Fast start/fast ramp plants
Condenser sparger life limits
Lessons learned: construction
The complexities of flexibility
Safety: a state of mind, a way of life
Water management more
WTUI: The predominant contributors to forced outages of LM aero engines
DI 40MB more
Business Partners
Company news from EthosEnergy, Sentry Equipment Corp, NAES Corp, ProEnergy, Kobe Steel Ltd.
New products and services from Cutsforth Inc, AAF, Oil Filtration Systems, and Swift Filters Inc. more