Rotor replacement/refurbishment project in full swing @ Midland Cogeneration Venture – Combined Cycle Journal

Rotor replacement/refurbishment project in full swing @ Midland Cogeneration Venture

Doosan Turbomachinery Services personnel present a new, replacement 11NM gas-turbine rotor to key staff from the customer, Midland Cogeneration Ventures (MCV), which now has three new rotors in operation with no issues reported. Another engine at the 12-unit site will receive a new rotor in the spring, yet another in the fall. Current plan is to extend the lives of three rotors removed via refurbishment.

Keep up with these projects by participating in activities sponsored by the Alstom Owners Group (AOG). Doosan’s Sangjoo Lee will be presenting on this and other relevant projects for the group on Tuesday, March 2, from 10:00 – 10:30 EST. The virtual conference runs March 1-5 and is open to all powerplant owner/operators. Register here at no cost.

In the photo, from left to right, Sanjoo Lee, DTS performance excellence director; Bryan May, DTS account manager; Adam Johnson, MCV staff engineer and gas-turbine SME; Kristi Gledhill, MCV’s supply chain manager; Brian Vokal, VP operations for MCV; Dan Tenbusch, MCV’s maintenance manager; Sean Choi, DTS CSO; Glenn Turner, VP engineering for DTS; and Alex Ford, DTS rotating equipment engineer.

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