BEST PRACTICES: New Harquahala – Combined Cycle Journal

BEST PRACTICES: New Harquahala

Emergency response binder facilitates incident reporting

Challenge. Powerplants have numerous reporting guidelines and protocols when it comes to safety, environmental, and specifically emergent situations. New Harquahala Generating Co (NHGC) is no different in that regard. Locating the documents and making sure everyone knows where all of the necessary procedures, guidelines, and flowcharts are located can be challenging.

This is especially true when new employees are involved and/or the process is not often used. It is critical when the facility is in the midst of an emergent situation when you need clarity as to the process necessary and location of the guideline information.

Having defined locations and quick access to the necessary material makes a serious event successful and much easier to manage correctly, particularly when the event happens at times with minimal staff available.

Solution. A binder containing guidelines for necessary actions—including:

  • Contact information for NAES, owners, plant personnel, sabotage or bomb threat, EMS, fire, and spill response organizations.
  • Emergency response call form and event log.
  • Bomb threat checklist and procedure.
  • Spill response procedure.
  • Fire response procedure.
  • Injury response procedure.
  • Plant-specific incident flowchart.

The binder is specific to the plant and identified by color coding to differentiate from other materials. Copies of the binder are located throughout the facility at all phone locations and updated as necessary and reviewed annually for edits.

Results. For hands-on training, the binders have been used during plant drills and exercises, proving to be a valuable tool for clarification of necessary actions to be taken, depending on the specific emergency.

Project participants:

Andy Duncan, plant manager

Kim Steffen, EH&S manager

Mike Terry, compliance/training coordinator

New Harquahala Generating Co

Owned by Talen Energy
Operated by NAES Corp
1080-MW, gas-fired, three 1 × 1 combined cycles (501G) located in Tonopah, Ariz
Plant manager: Andy Duncan

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