Nord-Lock Webinar: Solutions for Turbine/Generator Coupling Seize Up – Combined Cycle Journal

Nord-Lock Webinar: Solutions for Turbine/Generator Coupling Seize Up

Presented by Peter Miranda, Business Development Director, Nord-Lock Group.
Contact Peter at, M: 412- 535-2652, P: 412-279-1149.

This webinar shows how a technology that’s proven effective in critical power generation applications is eliminating the costly, time-consuming challenge of seizure-prone fitted (T/G) coupling bolts during planned outages. It highlights a recent case that demonstrates this technology’s value in the field. Further, it suggests preemptive steps that onsite personnel can take to minimize flange-bolt faults in future coupling maintenance situations.

User Takeaways

  • A look at the critical-path threat that occurs in turbine/generator (T/G) coupling flanges, when fitted bolts seize in their bores.
  • The downsides and risks of using conventional bolts for turbine/generator couplings.
  • An understanding the principles of mechanical expansion bolts – what they are, how they work, and how they alleviate the problems of conventional bolts.
  • An in-depth case study demonstrating how mechanical expansion bolts have been successfully used in these applications.
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