Signage vital for emergency responders
Granite Ridge Energy
Owned by Granite Ridge Energy LLC, Operated by NAES Corp
730-MW, gas-fired, two-unit, 1 × 1 combined cycle located in Londonderry, NH
Plant manager: William Vogel
Key project participant: Susan Prior
Granite Ridge Energy has multiple buildings on site, some of which have multiple work elevations where equipment is located and employees may be working at any given time. The challenge was to minimize to the greatest extent practical, the response time for offsite site emergency response personnel by providing clear instructions as to exact location of the potential issue in the plant, whether it be an equipment fire or a man down.This was a particular challenge on the off-shift when there are only three employees in the plant, including the CRO. If a person was injured and a second assisted, there would not be anyone available to escort the emergency responders to the correct location, and this could significantly increase the response time.
Working with the local fire department, Granite Ridge installed 18 × 18 in. highly visible numbered signs at all key entrances to buildings at the facility (Figs 47, 48). The sign numbers were included on a facility map which was provided to the local fire department and included in the site’s emergency action plan.

When seconds can make the difference between life and death, the installation of the door signage has enhanced the emergency response planning at Granite Ridge. When contacting local emergency services, the CRO now can give the responders the number which corresponds to the closest door of the emergency which will eliminate confusion and reduce the response time if an escort is not available.