Onsite – Page 2 – Combined Cycle Journal

Plant thermal-performance monitoring at Quail Run CCGT

By Team-CCJ | June 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

Quail Run Energy Center

Owned by Starwood Energy Group Global
Operated by NAES Corp
550 MW, two 2 × 1 7EA-powered combined cycles equipped with A10 steam turbines, located in Odessa, Tex
Plant manager: Andy Duncan

Background. When Plant Engineer Ed Nielsen arrived at Quail Run Energy Center about three years ago, the facility did not have any processes to monitor plant thermal performance beyond heat rate.

He took advantage of the performance equations in PI to create compressor-efficiency, live heat-rate, and steam-cycle/Rankine-Cycle enthalpy calculations. The well-traveled engineer told the editors he was surprised more facilities did not use available steam functions in their performance analyses because it is easier to trend pressure/temperature variations as enthalpy.

This also is beneficial to operators because a temperature or pressure change alone may tell the whole story.

Challenge. Develop a robust monitoring program to evaluate the thermal performance of the overall plant, each of the two units, and individual components. Typically, an operator on shift would monitor temperatures, pressures, and flows, along with component operating status and system configuration. However, a proper thermal analysis is not always possible when using changes in temperatures and pressures alone.

Solution. By taking advantage of steam functions and performance equations in the plant’s trending software, personnel were able to take this a step further and perform energy analyses of Quail Run’s systems and components.

Steam functions and performance equations enable the calculation of live enthalpy values throughout the various plant systems, allowing staff to apply Bernoulli’s principle to analyze system and component performance. Recall that Bernoulli’s equation is simply:

KE1 + PE1 + P1V1 + U1 + Q = KE2 + PE2 + P2V2 + U2 + W


KE = kinetic energy,
PE = potential energy,
PV = pressure energy,
U = internal energy,
Q = heat transfer,
W = work, and
PV + U = h (enthalpy).

For the purpose of analyzing heat exchangers and pumps, Quail Run staff assumes no significant change in potential energy or kinetic energy, thereby reducing the equation to:

H1 + Q = H2 + W


Q = H2 – H1 for heat exchangers and

W = H2 – H1 for pumps and turbines.

By evaluating the enthalpy change for each component in the steam cycle, you can quickly determine the energy added by pumps in the system, the heat transfer done by heat exchangers, and the work done by turbines—thereby eliminating the guesswork when multiple parameters change. Trending the historical change in enthalpy over a system or component allows you to quickly monitor for changes in performance.

Nielsen and colleagues are able to use live calculations in their trending software, but this also can be done manually using steam tables or the Mollier diagram. Plus, there also are third-party Excel add-ons to perform steam-function calculations.

Quail Run personnel have incorporated these values into their trending software screens for live analysis in addition to extracting data into Excel to monitor historical performance.

Results. Use of the process described adds another tool to allow staff to monitor pump and heat-exchanger performance, desuperheater valves, approach temperatures, and overall performance.

Project participant:

Edward Nielsen, plant engineer


Lee County improves O&M and safety at eight-unit peaker site

By Team-CCJ | June 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

Lee County Generating Station

Owned by Rockland Capital
Operated by NAES Corp
688 MW, 8 × 0 7EA-powered peaking plant operating on natural gas, located in Lee County, Ill
Plant manager: Keith Koziol

Protecting operators from falling ice

Challenge. Lee County, a peaking plant in northern Illinois, experiences long periods between operations. Calibration cylinders for the facility’s continuous emission monitoring system are located outside the CEMS shelter, only 4 ft from the 90-ft exhaust stack.

Safety hazard: During winter operations, snow and ice can accumulate on the grated walkway the encircles the stack 80 ft above ground level and directly over the space between the CEMS and exhaust stack (Fig 1). Snow and ice can fall unexpectedly from this height to where technicians stand to take pressure readings and replace calibration cylinders, thereby creating the potential for severe injuries.

Solution. The original design had only a small, lightweight, metal awning that barely covered the calibration cylinders. Using a local weld shop, a new larger awning made of heavy-gauge steel was designed and built. Site technicians mounted the new awning to existing mounting points on the CEMS shelter and used Unistrut to support the far end (Fig 2). This awning created a protected area for technicians to stand while servicing the CEMS cylinders.

Results. No one has been hit by falling ice; however, it can be unnerving when a chunk hits the new cover.

Project participant:

David Ackert, O&M technician.

Mobile electronic device makes plant readings more accessible

Challenge. A powerplant should not be operated solely from the control room. Operator rounds are a necessity because certain readings and observations are not available via turbine-control or plant DCS systems. Eyes and ears are needed out in the plant.

Paper rounds sheets were used for years with some notable shortcomings, including the following: paper logs are handled several times, readings are not always legible, historical data is not easily accessed, data trending is a cumbersome task, observation/issue comments are not always captured well and tracking the status of them is another administrative process, records retention results in many boxes in the warehouse.

Solution. Plant management evaluated several commercial solutions for electronic data gathering and retention and selected AssetSense. The vendor worked with plant personnel to perform database and mobile device interface screen setup tasks, define data observation points, set normal reading parameters, and organize operator routes.

The readings are entered on touchscreen iPads and out-of-parameter readings are highlighted in red. The previous reading is displayed just to the left of the data entry box. A comment can be added for any data point, or it can be marked “out of service” if needed. With a touch, an operator can view a graphical trend of the last 15 readings. A checkbox is provided to indicate if visual check is “Not OK,” or alarms are present.

Back in the control room the data are uploaded to a cloud-based database via Wi-Fi. If a reading was missed or not marked out-of-service, the mobile device interface screen prompts the operator by highlighting the empty data box in yellow; an entry is needed to continue the upload. These data become readily available for review and trending analysis via a utility on the iPad as well as online.

Certain regulatory (or insurance company) routes are incorporated: SPCC (spill prevention, control, and countermeasure) walk-down inspections, EHS walk-down inspections, draining of SPCC containments, main breaker readings, etc.


  • The burden of retaining box loads of paper logs is gone.
  • Historical data can be accessed easily and trended on the AssetSense website, or downloaded to Excel.
  • Inspection records can be retrieved easily.
  • Issue comments can be retrieved separately, and each can be tracked to completion.

Project participants:

Keith Koziol, plant manager
Ryan Hmielak, maintenance specialist
Mark Lane, O&M technician
David Ackert, O&M technician
Mike Packer, O&M technician


Wärtsilä engines at your plant? Learn from AES Levant’s experience

By Team-CCJ | June 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

AES Levant Power Plant

Owned by AES Corp, Mitsui, and Neberas Power
Operated by AES Levant Holdings BV Jordan
250 MW, tri-fuel peaking facility consisting of 16 Wärtsilä 18V50 diesel/generators located in Al Manakher, Jordan
Plant manager: Feras Hammad

Protect waste-gate actuator from heat damage

Challenge. Function of the waste gate is to control the air/fuel ratio when burning natural gas in the peaking plant’s diesel engines. Problem faced by plant staff: The waste-gate actuator (Fig 1) was prone to a controls failure caused by heat coming from a damaged bellows near where the waste gate is located.

Solution. Insulate the waste-gate actuator from the heat coming from the engine’s exhaust-gas system. Do this by designing and fabricating an insulation jacket designed for use at up to 500F. Final step: Cover the waste-gate device with the fabricated jacket (Fig 2).

Results. Project goals of reducing maintenance man-hours and cost, and improving plant availability and reliability, were achieved. The saving during 2022 was about $28,000.

Project participants:

Amer Manaseer
Mohammad Abu Hayja

Isolate SCR control-air system to prevent a plant trip

Challenge. The 100-psig control air system for Levant’s SCR is equipped with several leak-prone flexible rubber hoses. Should a leak occur, the plant could be at risk of tripping offline because of low control-air pressure.

Solution. Several possible solutions were evaluated for the effort involved in their implementation and effectiveness. The alternative selected: Install a shutoff valve with a pressure switch in the compressed-air pipe feeding the SCR system to cutoff air at the SCR if leaks occur in the system. Keep a sufficient amount of control air flowing to keep the plant running smoothly until permanent repairs can be made.

Results. Saving in 2022 was estimated at $16,000, more than twice the $7700 cost of the improvement.

Project participants:

Mazen Alamro
Mohammad Jaradat
Ibrahim Arori
Ahmad Bani Hani

No instructions for servicing fuel-oil injectors, no problem

Challenge. Fuel-oil injectors on Levant’s recip engines were failure-prone. There were several reasons for the poor performance, but the problem facing plant personnel was the absence of service instructions from the manufacturer. Undaunted, staff set about developing a project to reduce maintenance and shipping costs.

Solution. Several steps were involved: Dismantle the injectors with special tools designed and fabricated in-house, cleaning and servicing the solenoid with a special cleaner (Figs 3 and 4), bench testing the injectors more than 20 times, and verifying injector performance in the engine.

Results. All objectives were met: (1) Performance of serviced injectors was as good as that achieved with new injectors. (2) Maintenance saving in 2022 attributed to servicing injectors using plant personnel was about $170,000.

Project participants:

Dhanapalan Thangadurai
Ahmad Bani Hani
Abdullah Dabaybeh

Jackson Generation’s proactive approach during construction enhances safety, O&M

By Team-CCJ | June 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

Jackson Generation

Owned by J-Power USA
Operated by NAES Corp
1200 MW, two 1 ×1 combined cycles powered by Mitsubishi 501JAC gas turbines and SRT40AX steam turbines with HRSGs from John Cockerill, located in Elwood, Ill
Plant manager: Rick Dejonghe

Establishing safety parameters for Jackson’s retention pond

Challenge. When constructing a powerplant, the EPC takes the contract agreed on by the owners and begins to build the facility based on the engineering plans. The retention pond designed by the EPC for Jackson Generation met the specifications required by the contract. However, during the commissioning phase of the project different ideas were proposed to improve existing infrastructure and processes.

While the Jackson Generation team was creating plant rounds and water-chemistry procedures, participants noticed numerous safety/environmental challenges that would need to be addressed when monitoring and testing pond water. Examples included the following:

  • How would staff safely retrieve water samples?
  • How would staff rescue someone if they fell into the pond?
  • How would plant personnel keep wildlife out of the pond?

Solution. To access and remove the pond-discharge manhole cover to verify discharge flow, staff would walk on the sloped foundation liner down to the engineered platform provided. This walkway proved to be a slip hazard, especially during winter operation.

A metal walkway was erected and installed to mitigate slip hazards while performing this task (Fig 1). It provided personnel a solid foundation while verifying flow from the retention pond.

The Jackson team also purchased ladders, which were mounted around the pond boundary (Fig 2). They ensure staff can escape a potential hazard in a safe and immediate manner.

Lastly, the Jackson team equipped the retention-pond fence boundary with safety ropes with permanent grab rings attached (Fig 3). In the event the employee cannot use a ladder, a rescue rope is readily available.

A chain link fence was also installed around the border of the pond to keep wildlife and trespassers out of the area (Fig 4).

Results. The initial walkway to the retention-pond discharge had many hazards. First, the liner would become slick when snow, rain, or dust accumulated on its surface. This made grabbing water samples or checking discharge flow hazardous.

The liner also was black, so during night operation it became difficult to recognize where the engineered platform was without a flashlight. With the walkway installed, the operator now can walk from the gravel to the engineered platform without the need to be on the slick foundation liner.

The safety ropes and ladders make a rapid rescue feasible if a person were to fall in.

Plus, the 7-ft-tall chain-link fence provided a safeguard against encroachment by deer or other trespassers from the neighboring fields.

In sum, staff made it possible to enhance the safety factors around the pond and mitigate the hazards identified.

Project participants:

Corbin Shanklin, Lead control room operator
Entire plant O&M team

Develop your training program during commissioning

Challenge. Constructing and commissioning a powerplant is challenging. Each system goes through several stages—including construction, testing, commissioning, and turn-over to the startup team. All of these are handled by the EPC and its construction/startup crew.

Roadblocks in the process that the startup crew may experience may be aggravating, but they can serve as excellent training exercises for the operators who will take over after commissioning. Jackson Generation’s management understood the importance of this experience and began building the plant’s training program with every evolution witnessed.

Solution. First step: Each operator had to choose one or more systems that he or she would become a “system expert” on. Anytime a system walkdown, test, or vendor was onsite, or commissioning was to be done, the system expert was present, taking notes along the way.

This proactive approach proved more valuable than the traditional classroom training given before turning over the plant to its owners. From the notes taken, many different training tools were developed. SMEs (subject matter experts) used the information gathered to complete one-on-one training and table-top exercises with their peers to share the knowledge gained.

Results. Knowledge operators gained from their commissioning experiences was used to develop the plant’s training program—including operating procedures and troubleshooting tips. Vendors that were onsite participated by helping in the creation of operators’ rounds checks/parameters and preventive-maintenance tasks.

Working hand in hand with the startup crew enabled staff to develop more-detailed procedures for starting, stopping, and troubleshooting equipment than could be produced by using equipment manuals only (Fig 5). Procedures developed incorporated Jackson’s actual valve numbers, photos, and setpoints required for future use. Going a step further, the system experts labeled every pipe, valve, and important piece of equipment in their respective systems.

Next step was for the plant expert to gather every P&ID, system description, equipment manual, and procedure pertaining to a given system and build a so-called system folder—a collection of everything plant personnel would need to operate and maintain their systems. As you might imagine, such a library is invaluable for making decisions. Finally, the P&IDs were marked up by the operators to identify the critical valves and equipment for creating the LOTO points needed for tagging out certain processes (Fig 6).

The end goal of this exercise was to be prepared for any obstacles after the owners took care, custody, and control of the plant. By shadowing the startup crew, the system experts experienced many unusual events. Creating the system-expert folders laid the foundation for the training program future employees would benefit from.

Project participants:

Corbine Shanklin, Lead control room operator
Entire plant O&M team

Fairview’s strong safety culture leads to implementation of multiple best practices

By Team-CCJ | June 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

Fairview Energy Center

Owned by Competitive Power Ventures, Osaka Gas, and DLE
Operated by NAES Corp
1050 MW, gas-fired 2 × 1 7HA.02-powered combined cycle located in Johnstown, Pa
Plant manager: Irvin Holes

Relocating sample cooling panel makes plant safer

Challenge. It didn’t take long for O&M technicians at Fairview Energy Center to realize the difficulties that came with performing routine maintenance tasks on the steam sampling system. This system, which is in a 10 × 30-ft enclosure, is equipped with coolers, filters, flow meters, and analyzers used to monitor the steam quality and drum chemistry of both HRSGs.

The compact space with limited access posed several safety challenges—such as exposure to high temperature and pressure, hot surfaces, and hand traps. Of special concern was the building’s limited egress given the amount of high-pressure/high-temperature piping squeezed into the small sampling-system enclosure. How would one quickly escape in the event of a major steam leak?

In addition to the hazards mentioned, the lack of double isolations on incoming sample lines presented a major hurdle when trying to isolate and lock-out equipment. To prepare for what should have been a simple maintenance task, an extensive LOTO was needed to isolate the entire system to ensure that adequate double-block-and-bleed protection was provided to protect technicians. Occasionally, a plant shutdown was required to adequately isolate the leaking components.

The resulting LOTO consisted of more than 50 isolation points located across various levels of each HRSG that took multiple personnel more than four hours to hang and verify—a daunting task for what should have been a simple maintenance task involving a single set of double-block-and-bleed isolations.

Solution. After talking through options with the sampling-panel manufacturer, it was decided to use an external panel to house the primary coolers and include a set of double-block-and-bleed isolation valves on each incoming sample line.

Moving this hazard to a remote panel located just outside the sample room (Fig 1) would eliminate the need to bring high-pressure/high-temperature fluid into the congested sampling room.

The insulated enclosure was equipped with two roll-up access doors and an electric heater for freeze protection. This option allowed locating the new panel close to the existing sample-line penetrations through the fixed enclosure, making for a quick and easy transition and allow the job scope to fit within the allotted outage window.

Results. With the primary coolers now located outside the sampling room, the temperature and pressure of samples entering the original enclosure are greatly reduced, thereby minimizing the risk to the technicians who routinely perform maintenance and take chemistry samples. The noticeably lower ambient temperature inside the enclosure provides a more favorable environment for the analyzers with the added benefit of reducing the burden on the HVAC system and giving the system a larger design margin.

The space freed-up by relocating the primary coolers has provided a much safer access to the secondary coolers and inline filters still located inside the original sample enclosure, lessening the potential for hands to get trapped and minimizing pinch points. Access to the double-block-and-bleed isolation valves in the external panel (Fig 2) has made isolating the system for repairs much safer and less time-consuming, resulting in less down time for the plant and minimizing the number of man hours involved in the LOTO process, without sacrificing the safety of technicians.

Project participants:

Phil Christopher, I&E technician (NAES)
Scott Misiura, O&M technician (NAES)
Jim Amos, O&M technician (NAES)
Curtis Speer, lead CRO (NAES)
Engineering team: Jeff Lellock (NAES) and CPV’s Joe Michienzi and Preston Patterson

Signage to assist plant visitors, emergency personnel

Challenge. At Fairview Energy Center’s main entrance, visitors are greeted by the control room operator (CRO) via an intercom system. Visitor verification and purpose confirmed, guests are directed to the location required. It can be challenging for the CRO to describe routes and landmarks around the plant, especially to first-time or infrequent visitors. This burden on the operator is compounded during outages and times of high-volume traffic, and magnified during an emergency situation.

Following a recent sitewide emergency drill with local emergency response teams, the suggestion was made to add signage to the plant to help in the coordination of emergency responders. The recently commissioned site had no efficient means for directing responders to the proper location or effectively identifying hazardous situations or hazardous areas within the plant.

Solution. Several factors were considered when developing routes around the plant, such as which visitors most often needed guidance, and what locations were most frequented or most difficult to direct someone to. After deliberation, three of the most common routes were mapped out in color-coded fashion: Green arrows direct traffic to the main administration building’s visitor parking lot, blue arrows direct contractors to a designated contractor parking area, and orange arrows direct chemical deliveries to the chemical unloading area (Fig 3).

Additionally, areas presenting a flammable hazard are identified to warn drivers against prolonged engine idling and prohibit contractors from performing any type of hot work without a permit (Fig 4).

Results. Directional arrows and signs for each route’s destination were procured and installed along the plant’s roads (Fig 5). The signs chosen are of high-quality aluminum with a reflective surface suitable for roadway use, and visible at night. Existing lighting poles and structural columns were used as the mounting point for most signs to avoid additional posts and to maintain a cleaner look. All signs were positioned at a height which would easily be visible to drivers in personal and commercial vehicles.

This project has been an excellent aid to the CRO when giving directions to visitors at the main entrance. By instructing each visitor to simply follow the green, orange, or blue arrows to their respective destinations, the time devoted to gate communication has been greatly reduced. The well-marked and simplified routes make it easier for drivers to locate different areas of the plant, prevent miscommunication over the intercom, and negate the need to remember any potentially confusing directions after entering the plant.

Project participants:

Joe Naugle, CRO (NAES)
Greg Kilgore, CRO (NAES)
Joel Wantiez, CRO (NAES)
Shawn Simmers, EHS coordinator (NAES)

EVM II solves water and hydrogen issues with trio of best practices

By Team-CCJ | June 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

Energía del Valle de México II (EVM II)

Owned by EVM Energía del Valle de México Generador SAPI de CV
Operated by NAES Corp
850-MW, 2 × 1 combined cycle powered by 7HA.02 gas turbines, located in Axapusco, state of México, México. Site conditions limit GT rated ISO output of 384 MW to 275 MW in baseload service
Plant manager: Javier Badillo

Mix demin, service water to improve evap-cooler performance

Challenge. EVM II’s filter houses are equipped with evaporative coolers designed for service water consistent with vendor specifications. During the first year of operation, the evap-cooler media was encrusted with foulant because of water-quality issues. Result: The gas turbines lost power and efficiency. Media that had a lifetime expectation of around three years required replacement in year one. Cost estimate for new media for both evap coolers was about $250,000, plus outage time and the cost of replacement.

Solution. Determine the best option for improving water quality, keeping project cost and safety in mind. The approved plan was to mix 80% demineralized water produced by the plant’s existing water-treatment system, and 20% service water, thereby increasing the cycles of concentration and reducing water consumption.

The new evaporative-cooling system consists of the following: HMI, PLC, control valves, and instruments with interlock of temperature and level. It is controlled by the DCS for each gas turbine.

During commissioning, the O&M staff was trained to understand how the new system works and how to troubleshoot problems to maintain high evap-cooler availability. Development of maintenance and chemical-analysis procedures were part of the program to maintain good control of water condition using the HMIs.

Results. The lifetime expectation for the new media is three to four years based on performing the maintenance procedures and conducting the required chemical analyses online twice monthly. The new system and operational plan boost power output by 15 MW per engine (Fig 1).

Equipment cost for both evaporative-cooler systems was $314,000. To his must be added the cost of demineralized water and the loss of generation for the week to install the new equipment. Evap-cooler water rejected after achieving the desired cycles of concentration, is sent to the plant’s zero-liquid-discharge (ZLD) system.

Project participant:

Carlos Moreno, plant engineer

Integrating hydrogen leak detection on generators

Challenge. Each of EVM II’s gas and steam turbines is coupled to a GE hydrogen-cooled Model H53 generator. The high-purity H₂ required by this equipment means the machines are constantly venting and adding hydrogen to assure purity. Nothing was provided by the EPC to detect H₂ at connections, cylinders, and the generator hydrogen-supply pipeline. Safety and H₂ consumption were ongoing concerns. Plus, the O&M staff had no procedure for safety training, nor a PM for detection of hydrogen leaks in the supply pipeline.

Solution. Conduct an industry review to identify the best methods for reducing hydrogen loss and promoting a higher degree of safety.

Example 1: Install H₂ detectors/transmitters in the generator enclosure and behind the generator, complementing those with visual means and audible alarm, to facilitate detection of a hydrogen leak by the O&M staff.

Example 2: Develop a safety procedure, “EVM2-SEG-023, Inspeccion de Fugas de Hidrogeno,” and a checklist of inspections to do weekly in the various areas and zones, enabling O&M staff to track leaks and generate corrective work orders.

Example 3: Install hydrogen-detection tape at every pipeline, tubing, and hydrogen-analyzer connection to visually identify a leak, if present.

With PM safety procedures, hydrogen HazGas detectors/transmitters (Fig 2), and H₂ detection tape (Fig 3), staff and facilities have triple redundancy to easy leak detection.

Results. A diagram was developed, enabling staff to understand easily the way H₂ leaks are identified and reported, thereby making the plant a safer facility. Today, O&M personnel are more comfortable about safety because they have many ways to detect hydrogen leaks.

Cost of the equipment—including HazGas detectors/transmitters, detection tape, etc—was only around $5000. Plant’s safety program now includes H₂ leak detection and emergency-situations training for staff. All of the equipment required was installed, commissioned, and implemented by plant personnel, as directed by the plant engineer.

Plant participant:

Carlos Moreno, plant engineer

Hydrogen generator mitigates gas-supply challenges

Challenge. As noted in the previous best practice, the H53 GE generators serving EVM II’s gas and steam turbines are cooled by hydrogen with a high purity requirement. The cost of constantly venting and replacing gas to maintain its purity is significant. Important to note is that the as-built plant was not equipped to produce hydrogen onsite, making it necessary to buy gas on the open market and rent the cylinders to maintain coolant pressure and purity for each generator.

Recall from the previous best practice that EVM II did not have a system for detecting hydrogen leaks at piping/tubing connections, cylinders, and the H₂ supply pipeline—a concern regarding the safety of personnel and facilities.

In the event of a generator emergency—such as a trip or maintenance call-out—requiring the venting of hydrogen there were two major concerns: safety and the immediate need for a large quantity of the generator coolant.

Solution. Select equipment for producing hydrogen onsite by electrolysis of demin water and then drying and purifying the product gases. To integrate this system, EVM II required only a source of demin water and instrument air—both already available in sufficient quantity to support the production hydrogen required. The H₂ detector/transmitter in Fig 2 allows operators to detect any leaks that might occur.

Installation of two hydrogen generators (Fig 4) to serve the plant increase the reliability of electric supply—important given EVM II’s close proximity to a major city.

Results. Cost of the hydrogen generators was about $260,000; upgrade of support facilities—such as for demin-water production, compressed air, and electric power—was not required. O&M personnel were trained on the new equipment and did the installation and commissioning under the watchful eye of the plant engineer.

System payback is estimated at five years. A cumulative cost saving of more than $400,000 is expected by the time the project reaches its 10th anniversary. Expected lifetime of the hydrogen generators is 20 years.

Plant participant:

Carlos Moreno, plant engineer

Towantic’s three best practices focus on continuous improvement as operational experience grows

By Team-CCJ | June 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

CPV Towantic Energy Center

Owned by Competitive Power Ventures
Operated by NAES Corp
805-MW, gas-fired 2 × 1 7HA.01-powered combined cycle is equipped with DLN2.6+ AFS combustion systems, located in Oxford, Conn.
Plant manager: Larry Hawk

Reducing nuisance alarms

Challenge. Since commissioning, CPV Towantic personnel have identified an abundance of nuisance alarms, as well as other alarms whose priorities were improperly identified.

Primary concern was that there were several Priority-1 alarms that weren’t as serious to Towantic operation as they were indicating. There also were alarms with priority locations that were easy to miss on the busy alarm screen and needed some sort of audible sound that wasn’t available. This resulted in an increase of alarms, making it difficult to identify when action was needed, while nuisance alarms may have been given more attention.

Solution. First step in resolving the issue was to export all alarm-system points to Excel and begin the process of identification and remediation. There were 9490 points that had to be sorted through, verified, and prioritized.

Management divided the project among the plant’s five control room operators with help from the lead CRO in reviewing the points and making changes/comments on the revised priority levels.

On the first run-through, the CROs identified 706 alarms that would benefit by changing their priority levels to reduce the number of nuisance alarms, and by making some low-priority alarms a higher priority. There was a large number of alarms that the CROs wanted audible alarms for, but they didn’t necessarily meet the plant’s Priority-1 definition.

Solution was to create a secondary audible sound for Priority-2 alarms, different from the Priority-1 tone, to help get the attention of operators and enable them respond appropriately without causing a nuisance.

Having a second audible alarm, Towantic was able to reduce the number of alarms earmarked for a priority change to 196. The operations manager and plant engineer compiled the final changes and during the spring 2022 outage, staff programmed a Priority-2 audible and changed the priority of 196 alarms.

Screen shots of an alarm workbook page and an alarm screen were provided with the entry but their resolutions in print were too poor for publication.

Results. Though alarms still are received in the control room, their organization, frequency, and urgency are better defined and appropriate for helping the CROs respond effectively. The changes also give the CROs confidence that they can take action and understand the true plant condition when issues arise—this while avoiding the stress of a nuisance alarm taking them away from other important duties.

While the bulk of the proposed changes have been made, plant personnel continue their remediation efforts in reducing nuisance alarms and making the alarm system more effective.

Project participants:

Ryan Earnheart, lead control room operator
Stosh Kozloski, control room operator
James Murray, control room operator
Michael Gilbert, control room operator
Jason Johnson, control room operator
Brandon Martin, control room operator

In-house fabrication of critical turbine transmitter enclosures

Challenge. The OEM-supplied turbine enclosures at this outdoor facility left critical gas-turbine transmitters exposed to ambient conditions without heat tracing, weather guarding, or insulation.

Towantic experienced trips attributed to instrumentation freeze-up and quickly put in place a foam-board insulation “stop gap” to help protect the transmitters (Fig 1). Temporary heat tracing also was installed as part of this impromptu freeze-protection effort. Insulation and heat tracing addressed most concerns, but equipment still was susceptible to the colder “polar vortex” days that the site might experience.

Several other improvements also were proposed and implemented to mitigate the effects of cold weather—such as capturing heat radiated from gas-turbine lube-oil lines (Fig 2).

Solution. Plant personnel wanted a more-permanent freeze-protection solution and invited several vendors to walk down the gas-turbine enclosures and share their expertise. But staff soon realized that an ideal solution was not available on the market, or at least for reasonable cost. Internal discussions resulted in a custom-designed, fabricated, and installed set of enclosures proposed by Plant Mechanic Brian Kennedy.

Having previously completed similar projects, Kennedy explained his design and provided a list of materials and tools needed to complete the project. The three-sided enclosures installed are of a shelled design consisting of 16-gauge, Type-304 stainless-steel inner and outer shell walls with a high-temperature polyisocyanurate insulation embedded between them (Fig 3).

The stainless-steel walls were bent using purchased tooling and insulation was placed between the walls and stitch-welded along the seam to create an effective weather-tight barrier. The new enclosures also feature weather-sealed double doors of the same design for access to the transmitters and self-regulated heaters (Fig 4) specified and installed by IC&E Technician Matthew Trafficante. This design also allowed field fabrication for bulkhead penetrations and installation to be done without interrupting generation. The enclosures require no painting or maintenance.

Finally, the ambient indications available on the transmitters protected by these new enclosures were added to the DCS screens in the control room, thereby allowing remote monitoring (Fig 5). An alarm alerts the CRO when further attention is needed—such as when a heater fails.

Results. Towantic has eliminated, or severely reduced, the possibility of lost generation and equipment damage caused by transmitter freeze-up and other weather-related complications. Enclosures were installed for the cost of materials only (Fig 6) while the units were online (no downtime required). This amounts to a six-figure saving compared to the alternative of contracting out the project to a third party.

Project participants:

Brian Kennedy, plant mechanic
Matthew Traficante, IC&E technician

Capital improvements to plant infrastructure focus on personnel safety

Challenge. Final plant design/construction upon turnover to the Towantic O&M team lacked capital infrastructure platforms, ladders, enclosures, etc. This required the erection of scaffolding to serve as “temporary” enclosures and platforms to perform routine plant operations.

While not ideal with respect to performance and safety, scaffolding also is costly to retain onsite and maintain its certification. Plant personnel have been very careful working around the temporary scaffolding and there have been no injuries or OSHA recordables since commissioning. However, the possibility remains.

Solution. Plant management and Towantic’s owners developed a prioritized capital improvements list to address the lack of infrastructure and the safety/operational concerns it creates. Owners have set aside money for capital investments every year since commissioning to complete permanent projects for safer and more reliable operations. Management works through the agreed upon capital-improvements list, completing projects through a prioritized and fiscally responsible program annually.

This list includes 27 identified areas that could benefit from capital improvements; the list is a living document undergoing continual updating both by the owners and plant management. To date, a dozen of the 27 areas identified for capital investments have been addressed.

Thumbnails of several projects completed through calendar year 2022 are described in Figs 7-12.

Results. CPV Towantic has eliminated safety concerns through engineering and installation of permanent structures, while simultaneously improving O&M reliability. This initiative continues as areas recommended for improvement are identified.

Project participants:

All plant O&M personnel

Gas assist when starting on fuel oil at Cape Canaveral

By Team-CCJ | June 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

Cape Canaveral Next Generation Clean Energy Center 

Owned and operated by Florida Power & Light (FPL)
1200 MW, 3 × 1 combined cycle powered by Siemens SGT6-8000H gas turbines, located in Brevard County, Fla
Plant manager: Chris Mabou

Challenge. In Florida, the supply of natural gas through pipelines can be limited during severe weather events, such as hurricanes. Thus, it is imperative that powerplants in the state have the ability to start and operate on alternative fuels—such as oil. FPL owns and operates three 3 × 1 H-class combined-cycle plants in Florida and was experiencing lower starting reliability on fuel oil compared to natural gas.

Solution. Plant’s approach was to initiate ignition on a small amount of natural gas and then switch to fuel oil early in the ramp-up sequence. At the time this entry was submitted, FPL’s advanced-gas-turbine plants were being equipped with dedicated natural-gas storage tanks to assist in fuel-oil startup. Bear in mind that, in addition to the storage tanks, additional valves and piping, and logic modifications, also were needed to connect to the existing system.

Results. The solution described had been implemented on five gas turbines—including the three at Cape Canaveral—at the time this entry was submitted to CCJ and had demonstrated multiple successful starts. More specifically, reliability on fuel-oil starts improved to greater than 95% on some units since January 2023. Fleet average reliability was greater than 81% and expected to improve when all units are implemented.

Project participants:

Chris Mabou, plant manager
Tobias Augsten, principal engineer, FPL gas-turbine fleet team


By Team-CCJ | June 4, 2024 | 0 Comments

By Steven C Stultz, Consulting Editor

The Australasian Boiler and HRSG Users Group will conduct its 2024 meeting in Brisbane, December 3 – 5. Details will be available at www.ccj-online.com as they become available. Submit your abstracts to present to Barry Dooley and Bob Anderson for consideration.

Steering committee

ABHUG is chaired by Barry Dooley, Structural Integrity Associates, and Bob Anderson, Competitive Power Resources. Steering committee members in addition to Dooley and Anderson are the following:

David Addision, Thermal Chemistry, New Zealand*
Russell Coade, HRL Technology Group, Australia*
Ivan Currie, EnergyAustralia, Australia**
Stuart Mann, AGL, Victoria**
Ian Rawlings, CS Energy, Australia**
Charles Thomas, Quest Integrity, New Zealand**
* Consultant
** Energy provider

The IAPWS Australasian Boiler and HRSG Users Group (ABHUG) held its 2023 conference and workshops last November, in Brisbane, Australia. Participants joined from Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, the UK, and the US. There were 26 technical presentations, two workshops, and 100 attendees.

Summarizing the annual event, Co-chair Barry Dooley, Structural Integrity, said: “The meeting provided a highly interactive forum for the presentation of new information and technology related to HRSGs and fossil boilers, case studies of plant issues and solutions, and for open discussion among plant users, equipment suppliers, and industry consultants. ABHUG provided a unique opportunity for plant users to discuss questions relating to all aspects of HRSGs and boiler operation with the industry’s international experts.”

Below are selected highlights.

Large-component replacement

Dan Gitsham, NewGen Power, updated attendees on its 330-MW combined cycle in Kwinana, Western Australia, providing power to the South West Interconnected System. This plant, commissioned in 2008, features a 180-MW Alstom gas turbine, 160-MW GE steam turbine, and Alstom triple-pressure HRSG with duct firing.

Gitsham focused on lessons learned from a major reheater module replacement in 2022.

Reheater (RH) tube breaks in 2016 led to tube inserts. Ongoing leaks called for tube plugging in 2017, and in 2018 a reheater tube row was disconnected. After Reheater 2 suffered a tube leak in 2020, plans were made for tube module replacement (Fig 1).

Modules were delivered in 2021 but the project was delayed because of Covid.

The 2022 outage was extensive in scope, including:

  • HRSG tube module replacements (Fig 2).
  • Partial replacement of RH2 module tubes (Fig 3).
  • RH interstage attemperator spray loop redesign and replacement (Fig 4).
  • Major inspection of high-energy piping (HEP).
  • IP/LP steam turbine major.
  • GT generator major.
  • Replacement of generator rotor pole-to-pole connection.
  • Modification of generator phase-ring connections.
  • Main cooling-water pump replacement (seawater cooled).
  • Major HV electrical protection testing.

Project complete, Kwinana returned to full operation.

This presentation highlighted factors that should be included in any major outage planning (learn from the experience of others). The outage was extended from a planned 38 to actual 85 days. Selected reasons: lack of experienced people, some people simply “not showing up for work,” scaffolding contractor change needed two weeks into shutdown, difficulty finding quality welding supervisors, and rework with 22 nonconformances.

These details offer invaluable lessons and cautions for planning, with special thanks due for an honest project review—reinforcing the value of attending events like ABHUG 2024.

Thermal-transient updates

Co-chair Bob Anderson, Competitive Power Resources, provided updates on 68 combined-cycle plant surveys conducted globally over the past 15 years, plants of various configurations. Equipment covered 23 HRSG OEMs, five gas-turbine OEMs, 11 steam-turbine OEMs, various cooling systems, and “every possible type of cycle chemistry.”

As Barry Dooley explained, “This presentation offered international updates on HRSG thermal transient aspects associated with attemperators, condensate generation, superheater/reheater drain management, and steam-turbine bypass operation, revealing common (global) HRSG problems and issues.”

Anderson’s key tube-failure observations included the following:

  • Causes of tube failures are not associated with a particular HRSG OEM.
  • Most causes identified in 2008 remain active today.
  • The frequency and impact ranking of tube-failure causes has not changed.

Supporting observations included:

  • Very few failures are caused by a single event.
  • Very few failures are attributed to creep damage.
  • Failures are primarily associated with low-cycle fatigue (startup and shutdown).

He then offered the basic actions necessary to avoid repeat failures:

  • Look for early symptoms of known causes and take prompt corrective actions.
  • Remove the failure site for metallurgical analysis of the mechanism.
  • Conduct a complete root-cause analysis (RCA); “fatigue is not a root cause.”

Only nine percent of the plants surveyed in 2023 (an increase from zero percent in 2009) had implemented a root-cause program. An important point: “Approval (time and money) to remove the failure location for analysis must be agreed by upper management before the failures occur.” Approval is the most common stumbling block.

For attemperator issues, routine hardware inspection programs showed an increase from 11% to 21% of plants, which is positive. But leaking spraywater still causes cracks in thermal liners and steam pipework. This high rate of damage, Anderson explained, is aggravated by “incorrect spray-valve sequence logic” where incorrect use of master control/martyr block valve logic quickly causes leak-through in both valves.

Drain design and performance, along with data monitoring, also remain critical issues in most plants surveyed.

Anderson traditionally offers this update with details at all related HRSG events (CCJ No. 75, p 71; CCJ No. 71, p 54).

Attemperator control, procedures

Said Dooley post-conference, “Several presentations on improved attemperator control and startup procedures described situations where an understanding of the process variables, steam flow, temperature, and pressure were able to assist in determining the root cause of failures.”

One primary presentation served as the opening technical discussion, namely Improved attemperator control and startup procedure to avoid overspray and overshooting of HPSH and RH outlet temperatures. This is the collective work of Anderson and Dave Buzza, American Electric Power (retired).

Content originated with a EPRI conference presentation by Buzza in 2018. Anderson and he drafted HRSG Fundamentals (Volume 4), Optimizing startup procedures and control logic for HP and reheat steam attemperators, for EPRI Program 218 in 2021 based on Buzza’s work.

One basis is heating-surface design. “If there is too much surface downstream of the attemperator (secondary) relative to upstream (primary) it is difficult to avoid overspray and avoid overshooting HPSH/RH outlet steam temperatures,” explained Anderson, adding that this design feature cannot be changed easily in existing units.

This foundation led to a suggested new startup procedure and case-study example. Maximizing steam flow during the startup is a key element of the procedure. A unique model-based attemperator control method developed by Buzza is also key to the procedure’s success. For details, see the recap of the 2023 European HRSG Forum (ninth annual conference) in CCJ No. 75, p 67.

Key features of the improved process include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Ensure HPSH and RH are properly drained.
  2. Use exhaust-temperature matching (if using a GE gas turbine).
  3. Maintain steam outlet temperature setpoint at unit rating.
  4. Establish stable steam flow path before loading the gas turbine through the “Hot Zone.”
  5. Increase GT load in small steps.
  6. Hold GT load steady for a few minutes until steam flow stabilizes.
  7. Increase GT load in one-megawatt steps.
  8. Hold GT load steady for a few minutes to allow steam flow to stabilize.
  9. Unit is now ready to ramp GT load through the Hot Zone.

Drain issues

Two presentations addressed drain issues.

Derek Pang and Jenni Pang of APA Group presented Recent learnings about erosion at APA. This focused on the energy company’s 244-MW Diamantina Power Complex in Queensland, the HP drains system, and problems associated with design and high-velocity erosion.

In one example, an incorrect valve installation was corrected to an isolation and shutoff arrangement and water accumulation was reduced by pipework changes.

Kalpesh Gharat, SRG Global, discussed Piping drain attachment failures associated with condensate from high-energy pipework. Inspections have centered around large branch welds and personnel safety concerns. Primary focus has been the pipe to drain pot branch weld.

Gharat reviewed all inspection techniques then zeroed-in on creep damage in the main branch attributed to stress, temperature and time (geometric stress). “Creep voids accumulate until microcracking initiates,” he explained. He also included examples of corrosion under insulation.

His summary:

  • Drain-pot and drain-line repairs are relatively simple, provided there is no creep (Fig 5).
  • Cut lines should be based on ultrasonic testing and thickness.
  • Post-weld heat-treatment requirements depend on the material and its thickness.
  • Depending on configuration and number of welds, repair may affect other areas of the drain pot.
      • Post-weld heat treatment may affect other welds already impacted by creep.
      • Bore cracking may impact the extent of repairs/replacement.
  • Plants should stock billet material or pot sections for replacement if needed.

NDE/inspections workshop

One case study showed how low-frequency electromagnetic testing (LFET) could rapidly screen reheater tubes for internal corrosion pitting.

Benji Rhead, IrisNDT, and Jason Cruickshank, AGL Australia, discussed Inspection of reheater tubes using LFET to find standby corrosion. Their example was an increasing trend of standby corrosion at Loy Yang, a multi-unit lignite-fired power station in southeastern Victoria, Australia. Tube repairs attributed to standby corrosion first appeared in 2020 and increased dramatically in 2021.

Rhead explained that standby corrosion generally occurs when condensate is trapped in the boiler tubes while the boiler is out of service, leading to oxygen pitting. The detection method shown was a variation of eddy current technology using ultra-low frequencies in the range of 5 to 10 Hz.

LFET can be used on tubing or pipe ranging from 2.4 to 36 in. OD. Testing is from the outer diameter of either ferrous or non-ferrous tube or pipe to identify inner-diameter corrosion. LFET also can identify generalized losses such as flow-accelerated corrosion.

This is a non-contact, couplant-free method that can be effective through thin coatings. Equipment is portable and requires little or no surface preparation. LFET is primarily a screening tool for follow-up ultrasonic testing.

Another case study described the ultrasonic inspection of superheater inlet stubs with a custom-made UT probe (Fig 6). Andrew van Niekerk (AGL Energy) and Aron Abolis (SRG Global) presented Development of ultrasonic inspection for cracking in secondary superheater inlet stubs. The subject was stub failures at Bayswater and other New South Wales power stations, primarily large fossil-fueled units.

Cycle-chemistry workshop 

Barry Dooley and David Addison, both members of the steering committee, gave international updates on HRSG and fossil-plant cycle chemistry, instrumentation, internal deposition, and flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) as well as on selected recent IAPWS Technical Guidance Documents (TGDs).

TGD discussions included an update on the Application of film-forming substances (FFS) and new IAPWS procedures for monitoring total iron in plants pursuing flexible operation.

The latest statistics on system-chemistry deficiencies again showed that the most important aspects relate to corrosion-product monitoring, assessment of internal heat-transfer deposition, and plant instrumentation. Flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) remains a leading cause of failures in HRSGs.

ABHUG participants requested an FAC workshop during the 2024 event with a session on internal deposition and analysis.

Flow monitoring

Leaking attemperator spraywater is often responsible for cracking in attemperator thermal liners, steam pipework, and superheater/reheater tubes (Fig 7).

Claus Weihermueller, Flexim Singapore, presented Attemperator leak detection to prevent steam tube damage. To get more detail, access the summary of Flexim’s Denis Funk presentation at the 2023 HRSG Forum (CCJ No. 77, p 73).

Weihermueller’s update on this non-invasive flow monitoring solution highlighted the ease of attachment and accuracy of the meters.

One feature presented was its application on an HRSG spraywater line between the control and block valves (Fig 8), identified as “a challenging spot.”

Monitoring equipment under pressure

Wayne Hill, Energy Australia, discussed Implementation of a software package for tracking pressure equipment maintenance, identified as an inspection-data management system (IDMS) for boiler tubing, HEP, and condensers.

The basics include tracking failure mechanisms with graphical maps, using data to help formulate future outage work, and centralizing and storing equipment history.

One result shown was a graphical boiler-tube inspection, failure, and repair database. The HEP module included inspections, repairs, and hanger surveys. The program’s condenser module includes history, tube status, consistent tube numbering, and failure predictions.

Low-load operation

Alan Beveridge, Alinta Energy Australia, offered The effects of boiler low-load operation on evaporator (waterwall) tubes and first-stage superheater tubes, analyzing the impact of low-load operation on flow disturbances.

“Operation of [fossil] power boilers at low loads requires consideration of the effects of buoyancy and steam quality on flow stability, which in turn affects tube metal temperatures and tube life,” he explained. Buoyancy is the ratio of steam volume to water volume, and steam quality is the ratio of steam to water. “These issues are complex and dependent on boiler design,” he stated.

Beveridge covered tube temperature versus steam quality and heat flux and the influence of tube slope, among other specifics, including headers and distribution pipes.

The basic message, “Low-load operation increases the likelihood of flow instability and localized temperature changes. Analysis of flow patterns can assist in the optimization of inspection and repairs, and reduce failures.”

Dooley added that “This may be applied to better understand overheating failure of sloping waterwall tubes at a corner door offset that has occurred in a conventional boiler.”

Swanbank, Pelican Point

Swanbank E, discussed at previous ABHUG meetings, is a 385-MW combined cycle in Queensland with Alstom GT26 gas turbine and 145-MW steam turbine behind a triple-pressure HRSG. The aging HRSG was designed for baseload operation, but daily thermal cycling has led to degradation of insulation material, casing cracks in the transition duct and SH1 section, and general concerns with HRSG structural integrity because of its exposure to high temperature. Swanbank E, owned and operated by CleanCo Queensland, was commissioned in 2002.

Problem areas, presented by Brad Kreis and Flower Hua, include vertical transition duct-to-HRSG joints (Fig 9) and metal expansion joints (now replaced with fabric). Discussions centered around options and challenges including repair difficulties (both inside and outside), congested work areas, and excessive scaffolding needs. Participants shared their experiences and ideas.

Kevin Crowley, Engie, also discussed high cycling and HRSG inspections and findings at Pelican Point in Adelaide, South Australia, commissioned in 2001. This 485-MW station has two GT13E2 gas turbines, one steam turbine and two unfired HRSGs.

The station now serves morning and evening peak demands; gas-turbine starts are increasing annually. Monthly starts peaked in March 2023.

Some of the more graphic examples shown included economizer tube repair (Fig 10), main steam slide support disengagement (Fig 11), and a planned bypass stack installation to run a gas turbine in open cycle, reduce thermal stresses on an HRSG, and allow HRSG maintenance (Fig 12).

Rounding it out

Other technical presentations included these:

  • Update on detecting and neutralizing hexavalent chromium, by David Addison, which will be revised again for the 2024 HRSG Forum, June 10 – 13, in St Louis, Mo.
  • Boiler chemical cleaning (ALG Australia).
  • Improving reliability of degassed conductivity and cation exchange measurement using EDI technology (Swan).
  • Tube rMW boiler (PEI New Zealand).
  • FAC in a 50-year-old boiler (HRL).
  • Creep fatigue life assessment and weld risk ranking of P91 HP piping system (Quest Integrity).
  • HRSG tube failures in superheater and evaporator circuits (Quest Integrity).
  • Cycle-chemistry updates at Loy Yang B.
  • Cycle chemistry at Kogan Creek (CS Energy).
  • Mobile reporting (Intertek and TransAlta Canada).
  • Updates on activities at IAPWS, AUSAPWS, and NZAPWS.

Exhibitors/service providers

The meeting featured six exhibitors/supporters: Duff and Macintosh with Sentry, Flotech, HRL, Intertek, Precision Iceblast Corp, and Swan.

  • The Duff & Macintosh/Sentry team, provides electronic and mechanical instrumentation to customers in Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific, and Antarctica for power stations, research facilities, pharmaceutical research, and defense organizations.
  • Flotech Controls supplies severe-service valves and instrumentation to all industry sectors throughout Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacific Region.
  • HRL Technology Group is a leading energy consulting organization specialized in engineering, testing and laboratory services.
  • Intertek provides technical inspection services, asset-integrity management programs, and nondestructive testing to power generation, oil and gas, and other major industries.
  • Precision Iceblast Corp says it is the most experienced dry ice blasting company in the world. It specializes in HRSG deep-cleaning technologies.
  • Swan Analytical Instruments provides high quality instrumentation for boiler and water system operation and analysis.

HIGH-ENERGY PIPING SYSTEMS: Premature failures of formed tees

By Team-CCJ | June 4, 2024 | 0 Comments

Editor’s note: Jeff Henry, Applied Thermal Coatings (ATC), and Jayaram Vattappilly, Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB), conducted a webinar Jan 24, 2024 on “Premature failures of formed tees [tee intersections] in high energy piping systems,” a topic introduced at the 2023 HRSG Forum.

Webinar highlights

Recently, there have been several premature pressure-part failures in both conventional and combined-cycle powerplants involving formed tees of various sizes that met the requirements of ASME B16.9. These failures have occurred in high-temperature steam systems where the specified material is Grade 22, 91, or 92.

Henry and Vattappilly explain the possible causes of the failures and outline a structured program to identify tee intersections that might be at risk.

For formed tees in the US alone, there have been multiple failures in multiple units. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) estimates the number of tees potentially at risk to be in the thousands.

Watch the webinar to:

  • Learn the history of ASME B16.9 tee failures involving material Grades 22, 91, and 92.
  • Understand construction code requirements when using tees in a power boiler or in power piping systems.
  • Review the details of a program designed to mitigate the risk of premature failure based on design, materials of construction, and operating conditions.

Note that EPRI has a program in place for this topic which was issued as an alert in 2023.

What is happening?

Henry leads off with premature failures of formed tees, stressing that we are looking at intersections designed and fabricated according to ASME B16.9 standards, Factory-made wrought steel buttwelding fittings.

The webinar focuses on the branch-type configuration commonly used in power boilers and power piping. These are geometrically complex components (crotch, branch, etc). During manufacture, it is absolutely critical to keep geometry and thickness consistent (Fig 1).

A review of EPRI case-study data reveals 14 plants that experienced leaks in Grades 91 and 92 materials with operating hours between 39,000 and 78,000. A key issue is that expected life should be around 300,000 hours, or longer.

Case study

Attention turns to a failed 10-in. tee in a South Carolina coal-fired plant after 80,000 hours. This occurred at just over 25% of the expected life of a P91 tee.

Primary areas of damage are a through-wall crack at the crotch position and cracks at the toes of both the run and branch girth welds (Fig 2, left). The through-wall crack at the crotch position is ID-initiated. Cracks at the toes of both the run and branch girth welds are OD-initiated.

Henry stresses that the plant experienced similar damage in multiple tees on two units. Material specification for all was Grade 91.

He then reviews details of the cracking on both the OD and ID surfaces, and specifics of damage profiles and crack development (Fig 2, right). He emphasizes wall thicknesses and notes the “short leg length” for both the runs and the branch.

Discussion then moves to chemical composition of the steel. The as-tested composition was not as specified, but neither was this the real problem. Henry explains that although composition was not the root cause, this does indicate a problem with quality control in manufacturing.

He also discusses minimum wall thickness according to Code. In this case, the center of the crotch position had the thinnest wall of the tee (Fig 3) and right at the specified minimum wall thickness of 44 mm according to B16.9.

Vattappilly then offers a detailed discussion on ASME Section 1, ASTM, and various specifications and rules.

He reiterates that in the case discussed, the primary damage mechanism is “creep-driven and creep-dominated damage in response to the operating conditions.” Vattappilly also states that the component was supplied by what is considered “one of the premier OEMs in the world.”

He explains, with examples, the stress intensification resulting from a hole (a/k/a opening) made in the pipe, and tells us why the stress pattern is important information.

In short runs, the stresses from an opening normalize (attenuate) as you move away from the opening. There is high stress as a result of the opening—so the run length is a critical factor. The stress pattern at the crotch/opening is important as well.

Vattappilly then reviews thickness and area calculations for a tee that failed, and offers a detailed discussion on Area Reinforcement Rules, ASME Section 1.

Knowing the risk

Henry next points out the benefits of assessing inherent weaknesses.

Investigations should verify dimensional measurements and geometry, chemical analysis, hardness profiles, and details of heat treatments—all focusing on creep resistance.

An effective assessment program should include:

  • Wall-thickness measurements at multiple locations to define overall tee configuration, with emphasis on the crotch position.
  • Chemical analysis by positive material identification (PMI) testing, or removal of material to obtain more accurate laboratory analysis.
  • Hardness testing to verify processing condition.
  • PT or MT of girth welds and crotch of tee.
  • Volumetric inspection for cracking, focusing on the crotch position.

If damage is not found, tees should still be ranked based on relative risk.

If damage is found, repair options will be needed to assess operation until a replacement is available.

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