Alstom Owners Group – Page 2 – Combined Cycle Journal

Alstom Owners Group

GE Day at AOG 2022 updates Alstom user community on TILs and upgrades for major CCGT equipment

If you were unable to sit in on the second day of the 2022 AOG conference and want to hear what the OEM of record (GE) had to say, access the three-hour recording via the links provided in the last paragraph of this section. It is highly recommended to review the following in anticipation of […]

GE Day at AOG 2022 updates Alstom user community on TILs and upgrades for major CCGT equipment Read More »

AOG 2022: Alstom user discussion and in-depth presentations illustrates value of attending upcoming in-person event

The AOG, born of necessity to help owner/operators of Alstom gas and steam turbine/generators navigate the O&M challenges arising from GE’s purchase of that company in November 2015, looks ahead to its sixth annual meeting, March 20-23, at EPRI’s corporate offices and training facility in Charlotte, NC. This will be the organization’s first in-person conference

AOG 2022: Alstom user discussion and in-depth presentations illustrates value of attending upcoming in-person event Read More »

Welcome to outage season! Post-outage checklist for turbine owner/operators critical for success

With outage season in full swing, Greg McAuley, CTO of TRS Services and lead consultant at sister company GMW Consulting, shares his decades of industry experience below in the post-outage checklist he developed for owner/operators of gas and steam turbine/generators. Post-outage reviews and records are particularly important, McAuley says, because you already paid for the

Welcome to outage season! Post-outage checklist for turbine owner/operators critical for success Read More »

Who ya gonna call the day after a ‘bump in the night’?

What do you do when your gas turbine experiences a forced outage (FO), or as Sulzer’s Jim Neurohr and Michael Andrepont put it, a “bump in the night”? Hopefully, your plant already has a plan in place for such emergencies, and they hope you’ll call Sulzer and let them put their full-service shop in LaPorte,

Who ya gonna call the day after a ‘bump in the night’? Read More »

Alstom Best Practices: Orlando Cogen

Condition monitoring system facilitates maintenance decision-making A challenge at Orlando Cogen, a 1 × 1 combined cycle powered by a GT11NMC Alstom engine, was to determine if a wireless condition monitoring system (CMS) could help the 25-year-old plant affordably improve efficiency and/or operational effectiveness through better planning of O&M activities. Plant personnel led by James

Alstom Best Practices: Orlando Cogen Read More »

Alstom owners gain widespread support from third-party vendors

Many Alstom owner/operators were left with a feeling of “abandonment” following GE’s purchase of their OEM four years ago. Cost-cutting reduced Alstom’s field-service capabilities and spare-parts inventory to the bone at a time when GE was reconfiguring its aftermarket organization and developing “cross-platform” capabilities to serve both Alstom and Siemens owners. Recall that a vibrant

Alstom owners gain widespread support from third-party vendors Read More »

Training workshops differentiate AOG from other user-group meetings

There’s pent up demand for engine-specific knowledge among Alstom gas-turbine (and steam turbine) owner/operators given the OEM’s flagging efforts in customer training as its commercial activities wound down before the sale to GE, and in the months that followed the transfer in ownership. Both users and vendors recognized this and collaborated to develop a conference

Training workshops differentiate AOG from other user-group meetings Read More »

Absent a true OEM, Alstom Owners Group is a safety net for users

Powerplant work can be lonely, particularly when you’re employed at a combined-cycle plant where the total headcount might only be a couple of dozen folks, even for a 2 × 1 advanced-class unit. “Thin” staffing takes on a new meaning these days, especially when only a few employees have a decade or more of relevant

Absent a true OEM, Alstom Owners Group is a safety net for users Read More »

Got a ‘vintage’ GT? An hour’s investment pays dividends in cost-effective options

If your site has a pre-F-class gas turbine, in peaking or combined-cycle mode, and you think there’s more money to be had playing the spot-capacity or flexible-start markets, take an hour and listen to TTS Power’s recorded webinar below conducted a couple of weeks ago. Chances are, you’ll come away with an option that not

Got a ‘vintage’ GT? An hour’s investment pays dividends in cost-effective options Read More »

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